Today, for the "Women's History Month", I would like to introduce “me”
You are meeting Renata O'Donnell, 50, wife, Shawn's Mom, youngest sister of 10 siblings, entrepreneur, photographer and the creator of the Women’s History Month project.
"Life is better when you cry a little, laugh a lot and are thankful for everything you've got."
”Saved by Grace”
Hello, my full name is Gercilane Renata de Oliveira O'Donnell, founder of the Women's History Month Project. I grew up in Governador Valadares, a city with a population of roughly 300 thousand, in the interior of Minas Gerais, Brazil. I am the youngest among 10 siblings. I have 5 fabulous sisters, Carmem, Cely, Sandra, Jane and Cláudia, and was blessed with a fantastic mother who was the strongest woman I have ever met. She was my hero, and the greatest illustration of strength and resilience in my life.
I have always loved the fashion industry, and at the age of 14, I signed up for my first modeling course. I was an extremely shy girl and an introvert to the point of stuttering, so these courses helped me in my daily life. Additionally, I got my first part-time job as a sales assistant at a record store. I understood that if you want something in life, you have to work hard, and I haven't stopped working toward my dreams ever since.
At the age of 26, I opened my first small business, Fhox Agency, a modeling school and agency in partnership with my brother, Kalu. The ability to teach other people what I learned in the fashion world was fascinating, and the agency was a huge success! It was here that my passion for photography was born. When I first held the camera in my hands, I knew this was what I wanted to do with my life. Soon after, I opened my first photography studio.
My life completely changed at age 32, when I was ready to start new adventures away from my home. I first moved to New York, but I found it very cold, so I went down to Florida, where the climate was perfect for someone with Brazilian blood. It was there that I met the love of my life, Bill, who I now have the honor to call my husband. What I didn't know then was that Bill lived in Maine, one of the coldest states in America. Committed to this relationship, I moved to Maine in April 2005. It was the beginning of spring, but there was still snow on the ground. I had no family, no friends, no job and no one who spoke my language... even the trees had no leaves, and I wondered to myself if it would all be worth it. And then, little by little, the trees came to life, the lawns turned green, flowers bloomed and the sun shined brighter every day. I understood then that there is a moment for everything in this life, and the moment of loneliness and sadness was about to disappear. Though I shed many tears, my spiritual beliefs gave me strength to continue. Bill was and still is my greatest support, my rock, my best friend, my confidant, and the best husband I could ask for. A man of singular character. The most difficult thing for me was not being able to go back to Brazil to visit my family for a long, long time. In my absence, I lost some family members, like my brother and business partner Kalu, my father, my godmother, and uncles and aunts, and most recently my dear mother. These events ripped my heart apart. Also, I was not able to be independent; I came to America to become completely independent, and I found myself totally dependent, more than ever. I couldn't drive; I had to count on Bill and friends to go anywhere. That was really hard for me. But the love and support of my husband's whole family, and the friendships that I have built here, helped me to persevere.
While waiting for proper documentation, yet still wanting to work, I became a housekeeper, a handbag and scarf maker, a jewelry maker, an interior painter, a furniture restorer, and I even had a shop in downtown Old Orchard Beach that was open for 3 years. I have always found ways to support myself and my family. Bill built a photo studio in our home, which has allowed me to successfully continue my photography business and also be a stay-at-home mother for Shawn. It is an honor to be a photographer, as working with people brings me so much joy. Being able to make people smile every time they look at their portrait gives me a sense of accomplishment.
Faith has brought me through every trial, and I try to live my life with a never-give-up attitude in order to achieve my dreams. God, my mother, my sisters and my strong women friends are my source of inspiration, strength and light. They have helped to shape who I am, and who I am yet to be!
In 2020 I created "The Women's History Month Project" here in Maine. Every March, women from my local community and beyond come to my photography studio where I take their portraits, and interview them about their life story. I started this project to recognize and empower everyday women, and to inspire others around them, and it is incredible to see how this project has blossomed and evolved. I myself am continually inspired by the women who walk through my door every year. My passion for photography and my online platform help to give a voice to these incredible women, and it is an honor to share their unique stories.

Advice for other women:
"God can take the ordinary and creat extraordinary. Our incredible God has the power to transform your simple life and give you the life of your dreams. Remarkable things happen in your life when you believe." - Amaka Imani Nkosazana
Believe in yourself. Believe in God. Have faith. Work hard. Be grateful.
Some of my favorite quotes are:
"A woman with a voice is, by definition, a strong woman." - Melinda Gates
"Keep a positive outlook even when faced with life challenges." - Catherine Publisher
"Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds" - Gordon B. Hincley
#womanhistorymonth #whm #womansupportingwomen #womemempowerment
Apr 2, 2022, 1:44:50 PM
Renata O'Donnell - Love love love you beautiful! Thank you so much for the kind words! Yes, only JESUS can get us through the most difficult times in life and still help us keep a smile while on the way. Can’t wait to see you again and give you a big hug! It will be a great pleasure to photograph you, Queen!! God bless you! Much love ❤️🙏
Apr 2, 2022, 9:34:02 AM
Isabela Baia - My dearest Friend, I love You! First of all, congratulations for be this beautiful and strong woman! Congrats for this wonderful life fullness of victories above very hard challenges. Your faith and life surrendered to God are certainly your very secret power! And now here is publicly declared to all womens and mens know that everything is possible for whom believe and trust in JESUS alone! Family is your gift from Him! Friends and a very successfully professional career another… you are gorgeous! Love u darling! Ps.: Now I have Anew dream: be photographed by You! Some day we will meet again in Maine!