Today, for Women's History Month, meet this strong and delightful woman
Kathy O'Donnell - 66, Mother of three, Professional Flutist, Medical Assistant
I am lucky to have been able to retire from two careers that I loved. The first was as a professional flutist. Right after college I went to Brazil with my boyfriend (now husband) to play in the Orchestra Sinfonica de São Paulo for three years. On returning home I became a freelancer and teacher in the Boston area. As a substitute flutist I went on 3 Boston Symphony European tours and one to South America seeing parts of the world I never would have seen otherwise. I also played principal flute with the Boston Ballet Orchestra and the Boston Classical Orchestra, and played in the pit for numerous Broadway shows that came to town. Oh, and I won a Grammy for a recording with the group Chanticleer!
At the age of 57 I wanted to try something completely different. I went back to school to become a medical assistant. I spent 6 years working in different Internal Medicine practices where I my personal interactions with patients was the highlight of the job. I retired on my 65th Birthday.
I have been married to a terrific guy, Barry, for 39 years, and we have 3 adult children who make us proud. In my retirement I enjoy sleeping whenever, piano lessons,creating origami earrings, reading, skiing, and spending as much time in Ocean Park, Maine as I possibly can.
Tenho sorte de poder me aposentar de duas carreiras que amei. O primeiro foi como flautista profissional. Logo após a faculdade, fui para o Brasil com meu namorado (agora marido) para tocar na Orquestra Sinfônica de São Paulo por três anos. Ao voltar para casa, tornei-me uma freelancer e professora na área de Boston. Como flautista substituta, fui em 3 Boston Symphony Turnês europeias e uma para a América do Sul vendo partes do mundo que eu nunca teria visto de outra forma. Também toquei flauta principal com a Boston Ballet Orchestra e a Boston Orquestra Clássica, e tocou em vários shows da Broadway que vieram à cidade. Ah, e eu recebi um Grammy por uma gravação com o grupo Chanticleer!
Com 57 anos, eu queria experimentar algo completamente diferente. Voltei para a escola para me tornar uma assistente de médico. Passei 6 anos trabalhando em diferentes práticas de Medicina Interna onde minhas interações pessoais com os pacientes foram o destaque do trabalho. Me aposentei no meu 65º aniversário.
Sou casada com um homem incrível, Barry, há 39 anos, e temos 3 filhos adultos que nos fazem orgulhosos. Na minha aposentadoria, gosto de dormir em qualquer lugar, dar aulas de piano, criar brincos de origami, ler, esquiar e passar o maior tempo possível em Ocean Park, Maine.
Feb 10, 2022, 6:22:09 PM
Laurence Carson - You are the daughter of my very first babysitter - we lived across the street from the Farwells on a farm. I can only imagine how proud your mother and grandmother were/would have been of you. I've thought for a long time how I'd love to play a Sunday morning service at Ocean Park - especially if Nancy Taylor was preacher. Hope you are well. Be of good cheer. Larry Carson