Today, for the "Women's History Month" celebration, I would like to introduce this beautiful, resilient & strong young woman
Meet Sheena Smith, 36, special needs mama of 2, a warrior and a real estate agent
“If you do not like something, change it. If you cannot change it, change the way you think about it.”
I was born and raised in Old Orchard Beach, and graduated in 2005. From there I headed to Saint Joseph’s College and began a career in education. I currently reside in Saco, ME. Most recently I have transitioned to real estate to better support the needs of my family. I’m blessed to have a real estate career that fuels my passion for people and guiding and supporting them through life. I’ve also had the opportunity to be present and active within my children’s education and extracurriculars. I LOVE to volunteer, especially coaching kiddos and serving on the PTO.
From the time I was a child I knew that I was destined to be a mother. Working with children fueled my soul since I was a teenager. I became a mom in 2012, and her brother joined us in 2015. Although I had a normal pregnancy, upon birth there were several things concerning Jackson's health that needed follow up. Within 3 months, Jackson was diagnosed with Zellweger Spectrum Disorder, a terminal illness for which there is no cure. That day we were told “to mourn all hopes and dreams we had for our son because he was not going to survive that year. This immediately sent me into a dark place mentally. I sat under a cloud of fear, worry and anxiety for months. I would cry myself to sleep wondering if he would make it through the night. I quickly lost myself. Throughout the first two years of his life Jackson had LITERALLY 100S of appointments, sometimes 5 in one day. He has kind of been his own full time job. Thank goodness for the family who have chosen to be a part of his life because it surely takes a village!!!!
I spent a lot of time in the beginning having that cliche wonder moment… “why me…? Why my son? How could my biggest purpose on this earth (being a mother) be shaken this way? But ironically, my faith has become what gets me through every single one of my days. It has taught me that my purpose goes even deeper than being a mom. Jackson has his own massive purpose. He is 7.5 years old, meeting milestones we never thought we would see. We have chosen to live like he CAN and not like he WON'T. That doctor doesn’t have the say on how long I get to keep my sweet boy here on this earth. That doctor does not determine what Jackson can and cannot do. We see miracles, and honestly I am so bummed I wasted any time (and still occasionally do) being angry, fearful, worried, and full of anxiety. I always try to remind my friends and family “Do not let your worry of yesterday, or your fear of tomorrow, rob you of your joy today.” I refuse to stay in a state of poor me. I choose to live in a way where every day is a gift and we can be joyful always in that. I have learned that God didn't do this TO me.. He did this FOR ME. Jackson has made me better. He has brightened the lives of so many who have come to know him. Ask anyone who knows him…. he is FULL of love and joy and you feel better just being next to him. His smile makes you smile. This experience is giving us a story to share of survival and overcoming. It is teaching the freedom from letting go of things we cannot control. It's helping us to focus on the blessing of the spectacular child that we have and mourning the healthy, typical child we once wished for. LIFE IS TOO SHORT! We have chosen to take back our lives and we are using all of the junk for good in this world.
Long story short, I am here to say that life circumstances do not have to determine your level of joy. Take time to process, and find purpose, and make use of the story you were given. “If you do not like something, change it. If you cannot change it, change the way you think about it.” Mindset can mean everything.
I’m so blessed to be part of this. There are so many stories over the years that can encourage and uplift others. They have taught us what it looks like to pursue your dreams and passions. They have taught us that you CAN overcome the toughest circumstances and come out so much stronger on the other end. Thank you for this opportunity.
Another one of Sheena's quotes is:
Thank you, Sheena, for sharing your story, strength, faith and empowering others!
#womenshistorymonth #womansupportingwomen #womanpower #mainephotographer
Mar 13, 2023, 9:30:50 AM
Lee - Amazing story from an amazing family. Jackson is without doubt a walking miracle that I have been blessed to know and love. Sheena Marie you are an absolutely amazing Human being. Such a powerful story that will inspire hope in those that feel hopeless. ❤️